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100+ Unique Questions to "Ask" Your Characters

Writer's picture: Blue Pencil WriterBlue Pencil Writer

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

At the heart of every compelling narrative lies its characters, especially vibrant, multifaceted characters who breathe life into the worlds writers create. So while we often focus on developing intricate plots and vivid settings, we have to remember that it's the characters who ultimately captivate our readers and keep them turning the pages. Yet, truly understanding our characters can be a daunting task. How do we unravel the complexities of their personalities? How do we ensure they resonate with authenticity and depth? Thankfully, "asking" your characters the 100+ questions listed below is a great way to get to know them. Continue reading for a complete and detailed list of questions to ask your characters.



  1. What is your character’s skin color, hair color, and eye color?

  2. What is your character's ethnicity?

  3. How tall is your character?

  4. How much does your character weigh?

  5. What does your character typically wear?

  6. What is their aesthetic?

  7. Does fashion interest them?

  8. How do they wear their hair? 

  9. Is their hair dyed?

  10. Do they struggle with acne?

  11. Do they wear make-up? What type?

  12. Do they use hair styling products? What kind?

  13. Do they wear glasses or contacts? 

  14. What do they wear as a swimsuit?

  15. What do they wear when they go to sleep (pajamas? regular clothes?)

  16. How does your character smile?

  17. Does your character have dimples? Freckles? Birthmarks?

  18. Do they sit/stand straight? Or do they slouch? 

  19. How does your character typically get around? Walk? Run? Dance? 

  20. Does your character have scars or birthmarks?

  21. Does your character have any physical disabilities? 

  22. What actor looks similar to your character?

  23. Does your character often wear jewelry?

  24. Does your character have any tattoos? Do they want any?

  25. What type of shoes does your character typically wear?

  26. Do they often wear hats?

  27. Do they have any piercings? Ears? Nose?

  28. Do they often carry a purse? Or bag? Backpack? Briefcase? 

  29. Do they trip a lot? Are they graceful or clumsy?


  1. Does your character live in a house, apartment, condo, or trailer?

  2. Do they live in a city, a suburb, or a rural area?

  3. What is their neighborhood like?

  4. Who does your character live?

  5. Do they live with any pets or animals?

  6. How often does your character eat out or order in?

  7. What’s in the fridge?

  8. What is the layout of your character's house?

  9. Is the house large? Two stories?

  10. Do they have a favorite room?

  11. Do they feel at home where they live?

  12. What’s the view from their window/s?

  13. Does your character enjoy their home? Do they want to move?

  14. Does your character have many neighbors? Do they get along with them?

  15. What items does the character keep close to their bed?

  16. What do they sleep on?

  17. Does your character have their own room?

  18. What is their most prized possession, and where do they keep it?

  19. Does your character like having people over?

  20. How clean is your character’s home?


  1. Is their family big or small?

  2. Do they enjoy spending time with their family?

  3. Do they have siblings? Older or younger?

  4. Do they have a best friend? What are they like?

  5. What would be their ideal best friend?

  6. Do they have any pets?

  7. Who are their natural allies?

  8. Who are their surprising allies?

  9. Do they have any enemies?

  10. When do they get to see their family?


  1. What is their favorite animal?

  2. Which animal do they dislike the most?

  3. What place would they most like to visit?

  4. What place did they visit and not enjoy?

  5. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?

  6. What is their favorite song?

  7. What is their favorite book? Do they read?

  8. What is their favorite color?

  9. What color do they not enjoy?

  10. What is their favorite number?

  11. What is their favorite food? What type of cuisine?

  12. What is their phone password? Do they have a phone?

  13. What is their favorite time of year?

  14. What is their favorite work of art?

  15. Who is their favorite artist?

  16. What is their favorite day of the week?

Everyday Life

  1. What are their eating habits?

  2. Do they have any allergies?

  3. Are they vegetarian? Vegan?

  4. Do they drink a lot of water?

  5. Are they a minimalist or a hoarder?

  6. What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?

  7. What time do they wake up?

  8. How do they get to work? Car? Bus? Bike?

  9. Do they go to school?

  10. Do they sleep in or wake up early?

  11. What do they do on a Sunday afternoon?

  12. What do they do on a Friday night?

  13. Do they often stay inside or party outside?

  14. How do they relax after a long day?

  15. How long does it take them to get ready in the morning?


  1. What is their current job?

  2. Do they enjoy their current job?

  3. What would be their dream job?

  4. What are some of their past jobs?

  5. How long did they go to school?

  6. Did they finish high school? College?

  7. What would their IQ be?


  1. What are their hobbies?

  2. Is your character introverted or extroverted?

  3. Are they distracted easily?

  4. Is your character introspective or outward-focused?

  5. Are they Intuitive or do they rely more on their senses?

  6. Are they thinking-focused or feeling-focused? 

  7. Do they often stick to a routine?

  8. Are they compliant or rebellious? 

  9. Are they musical? Do they have a favorite musical instrument?

  10. What does your character do to relax?

  11. Does your character have any addictions? 

  12. What extracurricular activities appeal to your character?

  13. How does your character respond to bullies? 

  14. How far will your character go to have someone’s back?

  15. What TV or movie characters would your character most love to know?

  16. Does your character have crushes? How do they act around their crushes?

  17. How does your character display affection?

  18. Does your character enjoy traveling — or want to travel?

  19. Is your character an overachiever, an underachiever, or just an achiever?

  20. How well does your character get along with authority figures?

  21. How would they respond to a crisis? 

  22. Are they a leader, a follower, or neither?

  23. Are they more likely to see the best in others or the worst?

  24. Are they a good listener? 

  25. Would they ever spread a rumor about someone?

  26. How would they respond to someone who betrayed their trust?

  27. Does your character struggle with depression or anxiety?

  28. Do they struggle with a learning disability?

  29. Do they struggle socially?

  30. Would they avoid or eagerly participate in religious or political discussions?

  31. Is your character a dog person? Cat person? Do they want any kind of pet?

  32. What words or phrases do they overuse?

  33. Do they have a catchphrase?

  34. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?

  35. What bad habits do they have?

  36. What makes them laugh out loud?

  37. How do they want to be seen by others?

  38. How do they see themselves?

  39. How are they seen by others?

  40. What is their strongest character trait?

  41. What is their weakest character trait?

  42. How competitive are they?

  43. How do they react to praise?

  44. How do they react to criticism?

  45. What is their greatest fear?

  46. What are their biggest secrets?

  47. What is their philosophy of life?

  48. When was the last time they cried?

  49. What haunts them?

  50. What are their political views?

  51. What will they stand up for?

  52. Who do they quote?

  53. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?

  54. What is their sinful little habit?

  55. What sense do they most rely on?

  56. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?

  57. What is their obsession?

  58. What are their pet peeves?

By asking your characters the questions listed above, you are sure to have a better understanding of the characters you are writing and what makes them unique. But while these questions are very helpful, the way you "ask" and respond to these questions is also crucial. Rather than simply sitting down and filling out the character development questions as the author, you should use it as a way to interview your character. To do this, you can imagine you're sitting in a room with your character, and they are answering the questions directly for themselves, in the first person. Good luck!


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