When writing a novel, the characters are extremely important. Not only do characters make your novel captivating and exciting, but interesting characters will reel the reader into the story. A major way to write characters that readers are interested in is by making them relatable. If a reader finds a character they relate to, they will be more inclined to finish the story and follow along with the journey of the character. In order to be seen as "people," your characters shouldn't be sterile. Characters should have their voice, personality, fears, wants, flaws and quirks. When all of these components are brought together they will craft a memorable character that stays with the reader long after the reader has finished your book. Character quirks are different than character flaws in that flaws are typically negative personality features of a character. Quirks are usually demonstrated as habits. Like people, every character should have their own, unique quirks. Quirks are what make your characters "them" and quirks are a great way to have fun when developing your characters. Here are the 50 best character quirks to use:
Allergic to glitter or Band-Aids.
Always bites their nails.
Always forgets where they parked their car.
Always wears baseball caps (or another article of clothing).
Always wants to rescue stray animals (i.e. fallen birds, stray dogs)
Always whistles when everyone else is silent.
Believes in childhood fairy tales.
Believes they can predict the future.
Believes video games are too violent.
Can never find matching socks.
Can speak an abundance of languages.
Can recite Shakespearean sonnets
Chews on the end of their hair.
Collects vintage records and clothing.
Constantly corrects other people's grammar.
Constantly dances TikTok dances - wants to go viral.
Dots their I's with hearts or stars.
Double-joined in many parts of their body.
Draws little doodles all over themself.
Drags their feet while they walk.
Dresses in one color.
Drinks milk with ice.
Drinks with their pinky finger pointed out.
Dual eye colors.
Failed their driver's test several times, before getting their license.
Finishes every text with the peace sign emoji.
Has a new girlfriend or boyfriend every week.
Has horribly illegible handwriting.
Hates hearing other people chew.
Memorized all of the "World Records."
Nose twitches when they're really upset.
Never washes their hands after using the bathroom.
Never brushes their teeth and has bad breath.
Obsessed with astrology & always knows the position of the planets.
Only listens to Hardrock, metal music.
Only eats food, they grow in their garden.
Owns an exotic pet (i.e. a lizard, tarantula, snake.)
Puts mustard on every food!
Randomly starts talking in different accents.
Refuses to text, rather they only send handwritten letters.
Sings and has conversations with themself in the shower.
Snorts when laughing.
Still thinks Santa is real as an adult.
Swears in a different language.
Terrified of the dark as an adult.
Their major goal in life is to get braces.
Vacuums the sidewalk in front of their house.
Wants to eat nothing but junk food.
Will never read, but always listens to books on tape.
Won't use public restrooms.
Character quirks are a simple way to inject life and personality into your characters, in a way that engages the reader. These character quirks can be arranged to elevate any novel. Hopefully, these character quirks are helpful in creating interesting characters.