Writing a book is such an exciting and rewarding process! But, the research you may need to properly represent certain topics, cultures, areas, or subjects in your novel can often be daunting. To make the research process easier, it is important to have a clear plan and set of tools to help the research process. In this article, I will discuss the best strategies and resources for researching a book! Whether you are researching for a fiction or non-fiction book, these tips will help make your research process smooth and successful. So continue reading for 5 crucial tips for conducting research for your novel.
Consider the Genre
It is imperative to consider the genre of your novel before you begin to conduct research for your book. The type of research you conduct for your book and the things you research for your book are closely related to the genre of your book. Someone writing a nonfiction academic book on jellyfish will research very different topics than someone writing a fiction book set in a large city. Once you have decided on the type of book you're writing (fiction or nonfiction) narrow down your genre even more. Is your story historical fiction? Fantasy? An encyclopedia? Taking into account the genre of your novel can help you to identify the type of story or plot you may expect from the novel. Knowing the genre can also enable you to determine the target audience of the novel which can be helpful when deciding if the book is suitable for you. Researching the genre can also help to identify any common topics, themes, or tropes which may be in your novel and provide you with a better understanding of what to expect from the story. Researching the genre may even provide a better understanding of the writing style which may be used in the novel.
Create a Research Plan
Creating a research plan when researching for your novel will help to ensure that you have all of the important necessary information and resources available to you when you begin writing the actual novel. It also helps keep you organized and on track when researching, so you don’t spend too much time on one topic or get distracted by other research topics. A thorough research plan can also help you to develop a timeline for when certain topics should be completed, making the research process more efficient. Overall, creating a research plan is a great way to stay organized and it's an effective tool that can help you identify any gaps in your research that need to be filled before the novel is completed.
Consult Knowledgeable People
Consulting knowledgeable people when researching your story can be beneficial in a few ways. First, they can provide insight into the subject matter and offer helpful advice. They may also have access to resources and information that would otherwise be difficult to find. Plus, they can provide valuable feedback and help ensure that the research is accurate and comprehensive. In general, consulting experts can provide a network of contacts that can be useful for additional research, networking, and promotion.
Read Other Books
As an author, you know how important books are, so utilize them! Reading books when conducting research is an excellent way to gain insight and knowledge about the subject matter. Books provide an in-depth look into the research topic, allowing the reader to gain a better understanding of the complexities of the subject. Also (connecting to the previous point), if you are reading a nonfiction book it is sure to be written by an expert in the field, meaning that the information they provide is reliable and accurate. Plus, books often contain valuable primary source material, such as historical records or autobiographies, that can help you gain a more personal understanding of the topic. Books also can be a great source of inspiration for a novel, providing you with ideas that can help your work stand out from the rest. Reading books when researching for a novel is such a valuable tool that can help you create a unique and compelling story.
Engage in Your Interests
Although it's important to read books when researching for a story, books aren't the only way you can research. Engaging in activities such as podcasts, watching TV, and traveling can also be beneficial when researching for your novel. By listening to podcasts, you can gain insight into different topics that may relate to your novel. For instance, if you are writing a novel about a particular era, you can listen to a podcast about that era to gain more information. Watching TV is another great option. Watching TV can provide references that can help you visualize certain scenes or characters. Finally, traveling is a great way to learn more about different subjects. Traveling can give you a firsthand look at the places you are writing about. You can observe the culture and architecture of the location, which can help you create a more accurate representation of the setting in your novel. Overall, when conducting research make sure you engage your interests. Whether you are interested in visiting an art museum or watching a science fiction movie make sure that you are interested in your method of research. All of the activities listed above can give you a better understanding of the topics you are researching, and can help you create a more authentic and interesting novel!
If you are describing elements or information in your story that you aren't familiar with than it is essential that you research. Even though researching for a novel can be exhausting, taxing and even boring at times, it is crucial. With the 5 tips listed above, you are sure to conduct excellent research that will translate well into your story, so get researching!