Although it may sound strange, sometimes writers want their readers to hate their characters. Why you might ask? Well, writing characters that readers hate can serve several purposes in storytelling, such as creating tension. However, there are other purposes, as well! In general, crafting dislikeable characters can be a deliberate and effective narrative strategy, whether it is to spark drama, challenge readers' perspectives, or emphasize the flaws of society. This article will explore tips and tricks for how to write characters that readers love to hate. Continue reading for tips on how to accomplish this effectively.
Avoid Justifying Their Behavior
While hateable characters should generally be depicted in a negative light, leave some room for interpretation and nuance. Complex characters can elicit a range of reactions from readers, and allow for some ambiguity that can make the character more intriguing. So, when writing characters that you want readers to dislike or even hate, avoid justifying their behavior. Rather, emphasize their actions and traits that provoke negative emotions in readers.
Make Them Hypocrites
Creating a character that readers despise involves crafting a character who possesses an abundance of negative traits or behaviors, often making them hypocrites. Hypocrisy can be a powerful tool in eliciting dislike from readers, as it exposes the character's lack of integrity and moral inconsistency. Whether they declare one set of values while practicing another or engage in horrible actions while pretending to be innocent, hypocritical characters invite readers' scorn and frustration. By highlighting their hypocrisy through their actions, dialogue, and interactions with other characters, you can deepen your reader's hatred towards them.
Give Them Everything They Want
Characters who just obtain their desires without facing any challenges or consequences are often perceived as being shallow and uninteresting. That's why if you want to evoke hatred from readers, you may consider giving your characters everything they want. Making your characters pretentious or spoiled is an excellent way to get readers to dislike them. Readers want to see their characters struggle and go through hardships to ultimately evolve. As a result, characters who are granted everything they want may come across as entitled or arrogant, further alienating readers and hindering their ability to empathize with or root for them.
Incorporate Betrayal
No one likes betrayal. Therefore, a way to make a reader hate your characters is by incorporating betrayal. Betrayal is a such powerful narrative tool because it shatters trust and undermines the entire foundation of a relationship, leaving readers deceived and disillusioned. Whether it's a friend stabbing their bestie in the back, a lover cheating on their partner, or a trusted ally switching sides, betrayals can create intense emotional turmoil for both characters and readers alike. That is why including some type of betrayal in your story can add layers to reader-character relationships and evoke strong negative emotions toward your characters. Ultimately, by skillfully weaving betrayal into your story, you can cultivate readers' hatred towards characters. Click on the button below for more tips on writing betrayal.
Make Them Obnoxious
Obviously, a way to make readers hate your characters is by making them mean or obnoxious. characters. A character with obnoxious behavior is often a catalyst for conflict and tension within your story. Their obnoxious behavior is going to drive the plot forward and keep readers engaged (while also annoyed). Plus, a character's unpleasant traits can upset the protagonist, which in turn highlights the protagonist's beliefs and makes them more relatable and sympathetic to readers. In general, a character who is obnoxious is sure to elicit strong emotional responses from readers, whether it be frustration, anger, or disdain.
If you are looking to write characters that readers love to hate, then you are in luck! By following the tips and techniques listed above, you are sure to create hateable characters that leave a lasting impression on readers, ensuring an...interesting and unforgettable reading experience.