Writers typically spent most of their energy crafting deep and intriguing main characters, while sometimes forgetting about secondary characters. Although the main character does deserve more attention and detail, the secondary characters in a novel can not be forgotten. Secondary characters can be described as the characters that are not the antagonists or main characters. Sidekicks, best friends, or enemies are all secondary characters. These tips explain how to write unforgettable secondary characters, that don't just fade into the background.
Give secondary characters backstories
A secondary character shouldn't be identical to the main character, this can make your story bland and uninteresting. Instead, a secondary character should have their own life, which includes the backstory. A unique backstory will allow readers more insight into the secondary character and creates a more complex and three-dimensional character.
Give them personality traits
Aside from backstories, secondary characters should also have unique traits and hobbies that differ from the main character. No two people are identical in every way, and characters shouldn't be either. Giving your secondary characters unique personalities, goals and traits helps to deepen the story. It’s essential to your novel that you understand all parts of your secondary character so that they appear "real" and so you can write their reactions in different scenes.
Identify their voices
Just like your main character, secondary characters should have their voices and ways of speaking. For a secondary character to be memorable, they need to be their person, which includes voice. When secondary characters have unique and different voices, it makes them feel whole and not just thrown into the story without reason. Plus, secondary characters often talk or interact with the main character, so having two different voices in a dialogue scene helps the reader understand who is speaking.
Choose secondary character's names wisely
Secondary characters must have names, that are not too similar to those of other characters. Names are essential for your secondary character to stand on their existence and feel different from the other characters. For readers to remember and differentiate between characters, no names must be identical are too similar.
Use secondary characters to develop the main character
Even though secondary characters should have their own goals, they should also be used to develop the main characters. Secondary characters don’t live in the shadows of the main characters, instead secondary characters may start conflict against the main character. Secondary characters are crucial in keeping the plot exciting and mysterious. If there are no characters besides the protagonist, your story will become flat and uninteresting.
In conclusion, you need secondary characters! Secondary characters should be developed just like the main character and are so useful in bringing surprises into the plot.