When writing a novel, the characters are extremely important. Not only do characters make your novel captivating and exciting, but interesting characters will reel the reader into the story. A major way to write characters that readers are interested in is by making them relatable. If a reader finds a character they relate to, they will be more inclined to finish the story and follow along with the journey of the character. In order to be seen as "people," your characters shouldn't be sterile. Characters should have their voice, personality, fears, wants, flaws and quirks. When all of these components are brought together they will craft a memorable character that stays with the reader long after the reader has finished your book. Character quirks are different than character flaws in that flaws are typically negative personality features of a character. Quirks are usually demonstrated as habits. Like people, every character should have their own, unique quirks. Quirks are what make your characters "them" and quirks are a great way to have fun when developing your characters. Here are the 50 unique character quirks to use.
Able to hack into any device.
Allergic to leather.
Always over-dresses.
Always wears hair ties on their wrist.
Always wears rainboots.
Avoids eye contact when speaking.
Believes in UFOs.
Brings hand sanitizer everywhere they go.
Calls their mom/dad every hour.
Cannot live with coffee.
Can only sleep with a fan on.
Chews on pencil erasers when nervous.
Cleans their white shoes.
Collects bottle caps.
Constantly cracks their knuckles.
Doesn't like to eat in front of other people
Eats sand.
Grinds teeth when excited.
Has an imaginary friend even as an adult.
Has a lucky penny.
Hates the taste of water.
Irons their jeans.
Keeps a dream journal to remember their dreams.
Loves black and white films.
Loves the beach, but is scared of the ocean.
Loves to pop their pimples.
Never cuts their nails.
Never gets cold.
Never sleeps (insomniac).
Obsessed with Halloween decorations.
Only eats junk food in private.
Only reads used books.
Puts maple syrup on every food.
Refuses to take public transportation.
Scared of butterflies.
Scared of even numbers.
Secretly knows many martial arts.
Smacks their food when eating.
Snores extremely loudly.
Solves math problems to relax.
Talks unbelievably fast.
Tough, but terrified of blood.
Trained in opera.
Tucks a napkin into their shirt when eating. (Even when eating fast food.)
Types with one finger.
Uses a specific filler word.
Wears makeup when camping.
Wears pajamas out in public.
Wears sandals with socks.
Yells at T.V. characters.
Character quirks are a simple way to inject life and personality into your characters, in a way that engages the reader. These character quirks can be arranged to elevate any novel. Hopefully, these character quirks are helpful in creating interesting characters.