Submission Guidelines
Piece of Cake: A Teen-Led Food Magazine accepts guest submissions of food-related essays, articles, recipes, and restaurant reviews.
We only accept submissions from people aged 13 to 22.
We do not accept simultaneous submissions, so please refrain from submitting work that is published elsewhere.
Piece of Cake will not accept work that discriminates against any group of people. Writing that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic is strictly prohibited.
Plagiarism is unacceptable, so please include citations to any work you may have incorporated into your piece. Recipes must be original, and can not be copied from other sites.
Your writing must be your own and AI-produced work will not be accepted.​
Please have separate documents for each submission.
Specific Guidelines
Recipes - Submit up to 3 recipes, individually via the form below.
Articles - Submit up to 2,000 words via the form below.
Culture Writing - Submit up to 3,000 words via the form below.
Restaurant Reviews - Submit up to 3,500 words via the form below.

Authors' Rights
We ask for First Electronic Rights, meaning we do not publish previously published works. By submitting your writing to Piece of Cake Magazine, you give us the nonexclusive rights to publish it in our online magazine. If your work is published in Piece of Cake, please refrain from publishing the content elsewhere.